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August 16, 2017 – Limiting mould and mildew 

Mould and mildew can cause headaches for both landlords and tenants.

So how do you limit the build-up of mould and mildew in residential tenancies?

In this snippet, tenancy expert Scotney Williams provides some helpful tips and a practical way to communicate this advice to tenants.

Past Snippets are exclusive to Total Tenancy

August 9, 2017 – Unlawful Tenancy Checklist 

How exactly do you know if a dwelling is lawful?

With the RTA Amendment Bill looming, this will become one of the most important questions for property managers.

Tenancy expert Scotney Williams countdowns the eight steps you can take to make sure a dwelling ticks all the boxes.

Past Snippets are exclusive to Total Tenancy

August 2, 2017 – Supplying a tenant with heating 

Here is another small taste of our 45-minute training video with Scotney Williams.

This snippet explains the limitations to the proposed careless damage law.

Past Snippets are exclusive to Total Tenancy

July 26, 2017 – New meth testing standards 

Here is another small taste of our 45-minute training video with Scotney Williams.

This snippet explains the limitations to the proposed careless damage law.

Past Snippets are exclusive to Total Tenancy

July 19, 2017 – Osaki – Tenancy Liability 

Here is another small taste of our 45-minute training video with Scotney Williams.

This snippet explains the limitations to the proposed careless damage law.

Past Snippets are exclusive to Total Tenancy

July 12, 2017 – Unlawful Tenancies 

Here is a small taste of our 45-minute training video with Scotney Williams.

This snippet, highlights two unlawful tenancy cases where the landlords suffered big penalties

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June 28, 2017 – Protecting
Polished Floors

Polished floors are common place in New Zealand. But scratches on polished floors can be expensive to fix, usually costing the owner thousands of
dollars to repair.

In this week’s snippet, our tenancy expert Scotney Williams explains:

• When the Tenancy Tribunal will/won’t award for this type of damage.
• What causes this damage.
• And how to protect rental properties from this damage.

Past Snippets are exclusive to Total Tenancy

June 21, 2017 – Dealing with out of control parties

Tenants are allowed to have parties but when do they cross the line?

In this week’s snippet, our tenancy expert Scotney Williams discusses:

• What types of parties should be shut down
• What the correct protocol should be after a party breaks a certain set of rules
• And how you can make tenants aware of these issues.

Past Snippets are exclusive to Total Tenancy

June 14, 2017 – Fireplace Safety in
Rental Properties

A growing trend we have noticed is rental properites being damaged because of ash and embers from fireplaces. There are, of course, ways to protect rental property from this sort of careless damage.

In this week’s snippet, our tenancy expert Scotney Williams explains:

• The situations when this type of damage could occur.
• How to safeguard rental properties from
fireplace damage
• And how to let the tenant be aware of their obligations.

Past Snippets are exclusive to Total Tenancy

June 07, 2017 – Dealing With Tenants Who Have Pets

New Zealanders love having pets.

In fact, Kiwis have more pets per household than any other country in the world, apart from the United States.

So should you allow tenants to have pets?

In this week’s snippet, our tenancy expert Scotney Williams explains the factors to consider in allowing pets to live in residential tenancies.

He also reveals how you can safeguard properties against any potential pet damage.

Past Snippets are exclusive to Total Tenancy

May 24, 2017 – Pest Control! Dealing
with Vermin

Just the thought of vermin makes most people squirm.

Nobody wants rats, mice, flies, ants and other pests anywhere near their beds and that includes tenants.

So who is responsible for eradicating vermin in a residential tenancy? Well the answer is not as simple as you think.

In this week’s snippet, our tenancy expert Scotney Williams explains how a clause in your tenancy agreement can make the eradication of vermin a fair process for both tenants and landlords.

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May 17, 2017 – Eliminating Illegal
Gas Cooktops

A number of property managers experience tenants installing unlawful gas cooktops.

For tenants, they may be cheaper to run, however for property managers they are not only unsafe but
also non-compliant.

So how can you prevent your tenant from using an illegal gas cooktop?

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May 11, 2017 – What’s The Real Deal With Carpet Cleaning?

Carpet cleaning remains one of the greyest area of a
tenancy agreement.

In this week’s snippet, our resident tenancy expert
Scotney Williams explains:

• If you can include a clause that says carpets must be professionally cleaned at the end a tenancy.
• What a reasonable carpet cleaning clause is.
• And reveals our updated the content of our updated carpet cleaning clause.

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April 26, 2017 – Legally Renting Out a Granny Flat

Renting out a granny flat isn’t straight forward for property managers and landlords.

In this week’s snippet, our resident tenancy expert
Scotney Williams explains:

• The rules around renting out a minor dwelling unit.
• If granny flats can be rented out independently.
• How major and minor dwellings can be set up as
one tenancy.
• And what the minimum requirements are for a
minor dwelling.

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April 12, 2017 – Cyclone Warning! What Makes a Rented
Property Uninhabitable?

Climate change can be a very political subject. But there is little doubt that extreme weather systems are becoming more frequent and more intense. Just ask the
residents of Edgecumbe.

In this week’s training, our resident tenancy expert
Scotney Williams explains:

• What makes a property uninhabitable.
• Who determines if a property is uninhabitable.
• And what the correct protocol is when a rented property
becomes uninhabitable.

Past Snippets are exclusive to Total Tenancy

March 15, 2017 – How To Safeguard Against Airbnb Subletting

Can a tenant sublet a property through Airbnb?

Depends who you ask. Conflicting messages is causing a minefield of confusion for property managers, landlords and tenants.

So what’s the deal? And do we have a clause that offers landlords added protection ahead of the World Masters Games and Lions Rugby tour?

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March 08, 2017 – Mitigation of Loss
and Damage

An important part of being a professional property manager is identifying damage and then mitigating it as soon as possible.

So what is the correct protocol? And how can you protect yourself and the landlord from further loss?

In this week’s snippet, our resident legal expert Scotney Williams explains Section 49 of the RTA and provides an everyday example of how it applies.

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March 01, 2017 – Taking Photos
During Inspections

• Is taking photos during an inspection a
breach of privacy?
• How many photos is too many?
• When are the correct times to be taking photos?
• What about video?
• And do you have a specific clause in your
tenancy agreement?

Past Snippets are exclusive to Total Tenancy

February 22, 2017 – Can You Issue A Notice When A Tenant Asks For Repairs?

Can a property manager or landlord end a tenancy when a property needs repairs?

That is the question our resident legal expert Scotney Williams asks in our weekly snippet.

Section 54 of the Residential Tenancies Act is
explained to all.

Past Snippets are exclusive to Total Tenancy

February 15, 2017 – Osaki Update – What It Means For You

Sometimes justice is done. The dogs may have caused the damage but the tenant will have to foot the bill.

Yes, our very own Scotney Williams has assisted a Foxton landlord with their appeal to win what could be a precedent-setting case against his tenant.

So what does this mean for you as a property manager?

Past Snippets are exclusive to Total Tenancy

February 8, 2017 – Circumstances In Which Tenancies
Can End

Our resident tenancy expert Scotney Williams lists all the circumstances in which tenancies can end.

Past Snippets are exclusive to Total Tenancy

February 2, 2017 – Showing A Prospective Buyer Through A
Rented Property

What is the correct protocol when showing a prospective buyer through a rented property? Our resident tenancy expert Scotney Williams explains section 48 (3) of the Residential Tenancies Act.

Past Snippets are exclusive to Total Tenancy

December 13, 2016 – Ending A Fixed Term Tenancy Early

Our resident tenancy expert Scotney Williams spells out the do’s and don’ts when ending a Fixed Term Tenancy early. Remember, if your landlord or tenant wants to end a Fixed Term Tenancy early, you can download the relevant form in the portal.

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