• Residential Tenancies Amendment Bill approaches final stages

    Submissions are now open on the Residential Tenancies Amendment Bill (No 2).
    The Bill makes a series of amendments to the Residential Tenancies Act 1986 related to methamphetamine contamination, liability for damage to rental premises caused by a tenant, and tenancies over rental premises that are unlawful for residential use.

    In particular, the Bill aims to:

    · Make it easier for landlords to test their properties for methamphetamine.
    · Allow tenants to end their tenancy if test results show unsafe levels of methamphetamine contamination.
    · Create regulation-making powers about methamphetamine testing.
    · Clarify tenants’ liability for careless damage they may cause.
    · Strengthen the law to help prosecute landlords who rent out unlawful residential premises.

    The Bill addresses decisions from the Court of Appeal in Holler v Osaki and the High Court in Anderson v FM Custodians Ltd.
    Tell the Local Government and Environment Committee what you think. Send your submission on the bill by midnight on 22 August 2017, BY CLICKING HERE.