Pricing Schedule

Total Tenancy = $95 per month
Gives you access to hundreds of resources, videos, and clauses, including the best Tenancy documents in the country. Also includes a Tenantcheck High User subscription and all past Snippets.

eBundle = Free!
Tenancy application and customisable tenancy agreement. The eBundle system is designed to streamline your application and agreement process. The only cost is what your developer will charge to complete the integration.

Tenantcheck = Prices vary. Please click here for pricing schedule
Tenantcheck is New Zealand’s only comprehensive tenant background checking system. Prices are based on basic background checks. Additional add ons are not included in this price.

Consultancy = $125 per month
Unlimited phone support with one of the leading authorities on tenancy law and property management, Scotney Williams L.L.B.

Training = Dependant on current training
We change our training videos often, so please visit our Training page for the current training and prices. Training is also available in Total Tenancy. To Sign up for Total Tenancy for $95 per month, please visit our Total Tenancy page.

Current Snippet = Free for one week. Please visit our Snippets page to view
Snippet Library of all Snippets = Included in Total Tenancy
Our past Snippets are exclusive to Total Tenancy. Get access to these and HEAPS more by signing up to Total Tenancy for $95 per month.

*All prices are exclusive of GST. More information is available through our products pages. If you have any questions, please contact us through our contact page, or call us on 0800 483 626.